General Heading!
This is a placeholder text. I think it would be great to have a general heading for this page as well as a short description under that heading. That's because we cover two things on this page and it is always great to give a little bit of information to people about what this page is all about.

Patients will be referred to the Recuperative Care Program though a hospital’s discharge planning department, criteria include:
The patient is homeless/in the process of becoming homeless/ or lives in a setting inappropriate for post-hospitalization or recovery.
Able to complete all Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently.
(Wheelchairs and any other durable medical equipment devices (DME) may be accepted under these conditions:
Ability to use DME device safely and understands proper use. (i.e. transfer from wheelchair to toilet)
Ability to use DME without any assistance/ independently
Ambulation distance of at least 100ft must be reached prior to hospital/facility discharge with or without DME use.
Able to self-administer medication with staff oversight
Continent of both bladder and bowels (if briefs/diapers used, independent with change of briefs/diaper must be met.
Medically and psychiatrically stable at discharge.
Alert and oriented to Name, Date, Place and Situation
Unable to complete ADLs, personal care and medication administration
Incontinent of bladder and/or bowel
Cognitively impaired
Active Tuberculosis/C-DIFF/MRSA of Sputum (possibility of wound)
Meets admission criteria for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Long Term Care (LTC)
Stage 3 or higher decubitus ulcers and cardiac EF% <30
Active substance abuse and not willing to abstain while in the program
Unstable medically or Psychiatrically
Combative or aggressive behavior toward staff or other patients while inpatient.
Patients actively detoxing (id Alcohol, Benzos) will need to be stabilized prior to being referred.
Patients for whom a pre-admission background check reveals a history of sexual or violent crime, recent drug arrests or any other crime which may result in the patient being a danger to other members of the Blue Sky community.
If the patient has a criminal history, the Program Director shall have final approval for admitting the patient to the recuperative care program.